Wednesday 8 December 2010

Costume Ideas

To make our narrative and video appear authentic we will need to pay as much attention to the mise-en-scene as possible. One element which will affect the overall look of the video is the clothing which is worn by our characters. For each of the characters we have considered what they are representing and will attempt to acquire the most relevant clothing.

Army Officer

The officer is the main character is the main character so we will need to pay a lot of attention to his costume. For the present day scenes we were thinking of having him wearing what looks like casual military clothing, for example dark trousers and a green jumper. For the scenes of him in the past we have acquired an actual olive coloured military uniform, complete with hat and jacket:

Second Soldier

The costume for the first soldier will have to be similar to that of the officer but perhaps not as formal.


Having him wear similar trousers to those of the soldier's will help imply that he is a captured soldier from the other side. A fairly worn out or tattered shirt will show that he has been held in poor conditions.


This is probably the most difficult one to decide on however, fairly dark/ drown tattered clothes should give the right impression.


He will be wearing a fairly formal suite with sunglasses. This is highly stereotypical however this will make it easy for the audience to identify the characters role.

Band Members

The song is of the metal genre so the band will probably need to wear mainly black, possibly similar clothing to that of the actual band. However we will not make things to specific at this point.

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